7 técnicas de estudo para melhorar o desempenho acadêmico

7 Study Techniques to Improve Academic Performance

Many people have had to study for a test and left learning all the content until the last minute. However, this is a technique that has proven to be ineffective. Therefore, to improve your academic performance, you should learn study techniques that work to learn more .

This will increase the amount of content you learn, but the most positive impact will be on the quality and retention of learning. This is because people will start interacting with the content.

Continue reading this article that we at Citas have prepared with the 7 best study techniques to learn more and improve your academic performance!

Increase study efficiency: how to do it?

Many students still do not know how to use different learning techniques to accumulate content correctly and ensure that it remains in their memory.

This is because the evolution of teaching shows us the low effectiveness of methods that encourage memorization and habits of memorization, without greater student involvement with the content.

Therefore, in addition to managing time, having focus and concentration to assimilate all the material, you need to be flexible to achieve greater learning results.

At this time, especially for those who study alone, it is essential to use efficient techniques to ensure good learning.

The main secret is to prioritize active study, where there is interaction between the student and the content, and the appropriate division of subjects and time. This way, there is no confusion in the mind and you will have time to assimilate all the material studied.

Below, see 7 efficient study methods for you to put into practice in your routine.

Summaries and notes

Summarizing the content studied helps to retain the content and you can even write in your own words. You can write texts or notes, which are short paragraphs with main ideas.

In addition to increasing the absorption of the material, the summaries are great to consult on different days, with the aim of always revisiting the material and not forgetting fundamental concepts.

Mind maps

Mind maps work based on a basic concept. For example, you are studying for a competition and need to learn about fundamental rights.

With this theme at the center, it is possible to trace different paths associated with the content, such as first-generation and second-generation fundamental rights, social fundamental rights, effectiveness of fundamental rights, among others.

Because they are free and stimulate creativity, mind maps often work as great sources of revision.

Practice tests and exercises

After studying, it's time to put your knowledge into practice. To do this, there's nothing better than answering questions and exercises. They are great complements and fill in learning gaps.

Explanation out loud

One of the most effective ways to learn content is to explain it out loud, using your own concepts. This way, you can identify flaws or points that are not yet fully understood.

This is actually the secret of teachers. Teaching is one of the best ways to learn and maintain the content.

Interleave studies of different subjects over several study days

Studying just one subject for long periods of time not only reduces concentration and motivation, but also impairs learning. This is the habit of those who usually leave studying until the day before the test.

Try alternating between more difficult subjects and those you are more familiar with. In addition to being a great way to encourage interdisciplinary study, your brain will be able to stay focused and retain what you have learned better.

Do all this for several days and you will notice how the consolidation of knowledge will improve your performance in tests and competitions.

Create questions or tests for yourself to answer

Active learning involves doing exercises. However, instead of solving ready-made questions, you can create your own questions.

This way, when it comes time to answer, it will be necessary to revisit the content and the practice of reviewing helps to retain the learning.

Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro technique is well-known. With it, study is divided into blocks of 30 to 35 minutes, with 5-minute breaks to rest in each one.

Alternating between focus and relaxation increases concentration and content retention, which makes this technique a great advantage.

But be careful: If you are focused, you don't need to stop studying if you reach the 35-minute time limit. Understand what the best time interval is for you and apply the technique in your own way.

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