How to get a civil marriage for free? Check it out now!
Getting married in a civil ceremony for free is not everyone's right, it is established by law and some rules and conditions must be followed.
Quite directly, the main way is for you to declare a situation of financial insufficiency, also popularly called a “poverty certificate”.
The other case is the holding of community events, normally organized by the State Court of Justice, which promote community weddings .
Remember that the rights and rules are equally valid for same-sex couples in Brazil.
We will detail below how each option works!
Declaration of insufficiency
In this case, it will be necessary to make a declaration of insufficient resources at the registry office where you intend to get married.
To do this, you will have to provide a document issued by the registry office to prove that you are unable to cover the costs of the civil marriage.
In general, proof of income is not required, but be honest: you may be investigated and penalized by the courts if you lie.
With this document in hand and after it has been approved by the registry office, the marriage can be performed inside the registry office.
This is when you should inform them if one of you decides to adopt their spouse's surname.
Community wedding
As the name suggests, this is a collective way of getting married for free.
Courts of Justice across the country, generally once a year, hold community marriage campaigns to regularize the situation of couples who wish to formalize their union.
In this case, it is necessary to seek information from the TJ in your state and pay attention to the dates set and documents required.
Then, just wait for the big day when the judge will hold the celebration.
Documents and property regime
Well, in both cases above, you will have to decide on some issues, such as the chosen property regime. No one wants to think about this, but it will be important if a divorce occurs in the future.
In addition, they will have to gather some documents to apply for marriage authorization.
See details below:
Property regime
The most common is partial community property, when everything acquired after marriage belongs to the couple.
But you can choose to share everything you already have (total or universal communion).
Or even keep the assets individually, even those acquired after the union (total separation of assets).
In all cases, the choice must be registered at a notary's office for it to be valid.
Documents needed to get married in a civil ceremony for free
The documents listed below must be taken to the registry office at least 60 days before the date you intend to get married:
- ID or driver's license
- Birth certificate
- Two witnesses over 18 years of age with identification documents
If one of you is divorced , it is also necessary to bring the divorce certificate and proof of the division of assets.
If one of the two is a widower, a marriage certificate, death certificate and inventory are required.
Once the marriage license has been issued, just wait for the date and finally make your dream of getting together with your partner come true !
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