Geração Z: Conheça melhor a geração tecnológica

Generation Z: Get to know the technological generation better

Generation Z now totals more than 30 million young people in Brazil, according to estimates from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). This is the generation that, according to sociology scholars, is made up of people born between 1995 and 2010.

In other words, this is the generation that is currently leaving college and entering the job market, aged between 18 and 25. And one of the great positive points of this group for the corporate world is that people born in the mid to late 1990s have already grown up completely immersed in technology.

They are young people who practically do not know any other way of living other than a life connected to the internet and totally tied to computers and screens that respond to the slightest touch.

They saw little of the evolution of cell phones and were practically born with smartphones, which allow you to carry tools such as text editors, cameras, video cameras, image, sound and video editors, scanners, e-mail, SMS (if anyone still needs them), phone calls... in the palm of your hand.

It is likely that many of these young people have never even seen in person equipment and utensils that were quite common for generations X and Y (the two previous ones), such as fax machines, typewriters, video cassettes, tapes, vinyl records, floppy disks, DVDs...

Previous generations

Speaking of which, let's learn a little about the two previous generations and understand the context in which the young people of generation Z, the most technological in the world to date, were born.

Generation X

They are the parents and some grandparents of Generation Z. Born between the 1960s and 1980s – some scholars believe that the main representatives of this generation were born before the 1970s. Today, they are between 39 and 55 years old and make up approximately 20% of the Brazilian population.

The expression Generation X emerged in England in the 1950s, after a photo essay by Robert Capa, which dealt with the unknown generation, which was yet to come and which had an unknown future ahead of it, the crux of the matter.

Years later, the generation showed itself to be partly disconnected from religion, without the belief in having to save sex for after marriage and formed by people who contested several rules of previous generations.

Mainly in Brazil, they are part of a group that experienced a deep economic crisis in the country in the 1980s. For this reason, they are very concerned about their work and extremely dedicated.

This generation is often resistant to change and has relatively superficial contact with technology, often restricted to having fun on social networks like Facebook and Instagram.

Generation Y

They are the parents or older siblings of Generation Z. Millennials, the Internet generation or Generation Y ... This is the generation born between the early 1980s until just before the start of the 21st century, up until 1995, more or less.

The generation that emerged in a period of profound transition from the analog world to the digital world.

The classification of Millennials' birth dates can vary slightly, depending on the definitions of different researchers. A notable event would be the September 11th attacks, which those born after 1995, for example, have little memory of and whose impact was significant across the planet.

Other researchers already assess that Millennials were the ones who saw the “arrival of the new millennium”.

The fact is that this was the generation that saw, even in childhood or adolescence, the emergence of a completely urbanized, technological and internet-connected world.

Currently, Generation Y is the largest in modern history and is made up of the individuals with the fastest population growth in humanity.

Millennials make up 50% of the world's workforce and this number is expected to increase to 75% by 2025.

Today, members of Generation Y are fully integrated into new technologies, have mastered computer skills and were the first to challenge much of what was “law” for previous generations.

Childhood and adolescence impacted by the internet

While practically all children from previous generations were out playing with their friends, this was the generation that had almost complete fun sitting still in front of a screen.

Whether it's because of streaming services that repeat their favorite movie over and over again or thanks to YouTube channels with children's content, the children of this generation, and now teenagers and young adults, are the ones who have the least fun on the streets.

According to the Pew Research Center, the number of young people who have fun at parties and nights out has fallen considerably.

To give you an idea, the percentage of young people between 17 and 18 years old who consume alcoholic beverages fell by practically half (54 against 30%) from 1991 to 2018, according to the research.

The drop was not only in alcohol consumption, which could be a positive thing in a way. But they also drive less and have less sex.

According to experts, this may represent a problem in the ability to communicate and express feelings, due to the constant refuge of this generation behind screens so many times, since they were born.

They are hyperconnected young people, very agile, practical and intelligent, but who sometimes barely interact with their parents, friends and neighbors.

On the other hand, they are always in constant interaction with people from all over the world.

Class gap

Many experts believe that the arrival of Generation Z has made problematic issues such as social inequality even more evident.

This is because one of the strengths of this generation, connectivity and easy access to certain technologies, is only possible for those who have the resources to do so.

Nowadays, practically all young people have smartphones, but not all of them have devices with sufficient technology to access all content with quality and speed.

The need for remote classes during the Covid-19 pandemic made this quite evident. Many young people had enormous difficulties following online classes due to limited access to technology.

While most middle-class young people access Instagram hundreds of times a day, order an Uber on their cell phones, watch series and films on Netflix and order delivery from iFood to eat when they get home, poorer young people are unable to access these “accessible” and “simple” services.

Social inequality has always existed, but scholars believe that it has become more evident in recent years. In addition, of course, the economic crisis that is affecting the entire world has a major impact on this generation and the way they view the world.

World perception

However, the “hyperconnectivity” of this generation guaranteed characteristics considered quite positive by sociologists and psychologists.

They are considered the most inclusive, questioning, tolerant, activist and altruistic of all generations.

Constant contact with so much information, so many different people, with different characteristics and needs, meant that this generation grew up with a very different perception of the “other”.

They are also the most self-taught, great problem solvers and very practical and objective.

This is because the simultaneous interaction in several digital environments and the speed of information processing guaranteed this “hypercognitive” characteristic to this generation.

They care about other people and generally want to do things not just to satisfy their ego, make money or anything like that.

Their life goals and priorities are studying, learning, carrying out activities that contribute to society and improve the society in which they live.

Generation Z at work

A study by the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (CNDL) together with the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brasil), in partnership with the Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Businesses (Sebrae) clearly shows how this generation thinks about their professional and personal lives .

For young people aged between 18 and 24, quality of life and well-being are priorities, to the detriment of simply having an excellent job – which was already the main priority for previous generations.

For 42% of the young people interviewed, working with what they love is synonymous with professional success. And for 39% of the young people, the main priority and the greatest sign of success is being able to balance work and personal life.

Being recognized for what you do (32%) was the third most chosen option and, only in last place, earning well (31%) was mentioned by young people.

One of the priorities for this generation seems to be to escape authority figures - they don't want to have bosses. They prefer a more informal and welcoming work environment, which is in line with their personal life choices.

For this reason, they are more inclined to work from home, for example. One of the negative aspects of this way of seeing work is the increase in informality and the lack of appreciation for important labor achievements such as social security and retirement, for example.

Generation Alpha

This is the generation born after 2010. For these children, there are no longer barriers between the physical and virtual worlds.

The big difference between Generation Z and Alpha is that, when they were born, even their parents were already fully connected.

Therefore, for them, it is impossible to imagine a world where there are no interactive screens, internet and barrier-free connections with the entire world.

Just like with the previous generation, this easy and constant access to the internet can be excellent for cognitive development but worrying for the personal and emotional development of this generation, which today is still made up of children.

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