Have you ever wondered if a public tender is worth it? We answer this in this article
For many people, entering the job market means pursuing their dream career, even if it often doesn't pay well. For others, who make up the vast majority of the population, getting a stable job with a good salary can be as rewarding as doing what they love. After all, it's not easy to live in an unequal country like Brazil and face the constant risk of being fired, is it? With this in mind, many of them choose to work in the public sector, since job security is almost guaranteed. Want to know how? Check out below how the civil service exam is worth it.
What is a public tender?
Basically, a public exam, like studying for the ENEM or another entrance exam, is a selection process that aims to evaluate candidates seeking a job. In this case, these are permanent positions in public institutions, whether at the municipal, state or federal level. Because of this, there are thousands of options for exams, and they vary greatly according to salaries, vacancies, number of candidates and professions.
According to experts, this is a way to prevent people, particularly politicians, from obtaining positions of privilege over others. In other words, people are approved solely on their own merit and not on the recommendation of family members, friends, etc. In fact, many of these processes are carried out by specialized boards, such as FGV and Cespe. This way, the evaluation of candidates ends up being fairer.
Is it necessary to take a course to pass public exams?
First of all, it is important to understand that the difficulty levels of each exam can vary greatly, as this will depend on several factors. To begin with, some of them have a very high number of candidates, which ends up raising the average required for approval. Others are particularly difficult, as they require more study and knowledge from candidates, such as the CACD (Admission Exam for the Career of Diplomat).
Still, according to experts and experienced candidates, it is possible to pass the exam without buying a prep course, but this will require a lot of discipline and study from students. In these cases, searching for content on the internet about how to set up a schedule and develop strategies for your exam is essential, in addition to consuming many classes and materials made available for free.
In the end, maintaining a good routine and investing in simple but efficient things, such as a well-organized environment and good ergonomics, can make a big difference to your study performance.
The benefits of public tenders
To begin with, being a civil servant is practically synonymous with stability. Although it is not impossible to be fired, it is something that only happens in excess, like a crime. In addition, obtaining other programs or benefits is much simpler, since taking vacations and retirement are less complicated. In addition, the demands on employees are much lower compared to private companies.
Furthermore, salaries, especially starting salaries, are among the best in the job market, which can be excellent for those looking for their first job. In fact, many people choose to enter easier positions, achieve some stability and continue studying for better-paying positions. In the end, it is the type of investment that is worth it for those looking for stability and good living conditions.
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