Rules of Conduct Republic
This document is an integral part of the Lease Agreement signed between the Landlord and the Tenant, and serves to set out the rules governing the condominium's day-to-day activities. The rules may be updated over time, but what is published in this link always applies.
Dear Condominium Owners,
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to our building.
However, we need to guide you on some rules, precautions and responsibilities that you must have as condominium owners, so that everything runs smoothly, preserving everyone's safety and comfort.
a. The primary purpose of these Internal Regulations is to ensure tranquility in the use and enjoyment of the Condominium, limiting abuses that may harm the good name, cleanliness, hygiene, safety and comfort of the Condominium Edifício 497 República, located at Praça da República, 497, Centro, São Paulo, SP, CEP 01045, as well as the quality of life of all residents.
b. For all legal purposes, these Internal Regulations come into force on the present date, given that they have been duly approved by the Trustee and members of the Board, as signed below.
c. All residents and their family members, as well as their agents and employees of the Condominium are obliged to comply with and enforce the provisions of this Regulation, as well as the provisions of the Convention.
d. The CONDOMINIUM is residential and commercial in nature, with 283 (two hundred and eighty-three) autonomous units (residential) and consisting of 2 stores.
e. It is the right of residents, their tenants and their respective family members (understood as those who live with them) to use, enjoy and dispose of their respective autonomous unit and the common areas of the Condominium as they see fit, as long as they respect the legal provisions covering condominium relations, particularly Law 4,591 of 12/16/64 (Condominium and Incorporation Law), as well as the Condominium Agreement and the Internal Regulations, as well as all specific Condominium Regulations that may be issued to regulate condominium life.
f. Residents shall be liable for any damages and losses that they personally or their dependents, visitors, employees or occupants in any capacity may cause in any common area of the building, and shall be obliged to compensate the Condominium for the value of the damage caused. The aforementioned amount shall be determined by the Administration and required from the responsible resident, whose payment must be made within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days from the determination of its value, under penalty of legal collection, all increased by the legal charges arising from their default.
g. Any suggestions and/or complaints must be addressed to the Condominium Administration, in writing, which will be recorded by email and in a specific book located in the administration of this Condominium and responded to within (7) seven days.
h. The discipline established in this Regulation is a result of the common interest, which in this case prevails over the private interest, in everything that does not violate the basic right to property, therefore, the Administration has not only the power, but also the duty to apply the sanctions provided for in the Convention and will thus apply them without any favoritism, in favor of the interests of the community.
i. The Trustee and/or Administration are authorized, in compliance with the Condominium Convention and this Regulation, to issue all additional instructions that they deem necessary for the application of the rules herein.
j. All cases not covered by these Regulations will be resolved by the Trustee, except for those within the jurisdiction of the Condominium General Assembly and the residents' right to appeal to the General Assembly.
k. It is mandatory to correctly fill out the owner and/or tenant registration form, so that the Condominium can always keep its registration complete and up to date.
l. The installation of other models and/or different colors of area enclosures, screens and protective grilles, if permitted by a specific Assembly, and modifications in common areas, as well as corridors, causing disagreement with this Regulation, will imply in written notice from the Administration, to the residents, so that they can arrange for the replacement or removal. If the residents do not do so within 7 (seven) business days, they will be notified to do so, under penalty of application of the fines and penalties provided for.
i. The Condominium's main entrance will be open 24 (twenty-four) hours, observing the entry and exit times for large volumes, changes and works, as follows:
ii. Furniture removal and entry may only be carried out through the main entrance, subject to prior scheduling and authorization from the Administration.
iii. Transport of a MAXIMUM LOAD of 1190 kg is permitted in elevators.
iv. Times for moving: Monday to Saturday from 9am to 6pm. Moving will not be permitted on Sundays and holidays.
v. The gatehouse will operate 24 (twenty-four) hours a day and is restricted to residents and employees, with no authorization for entry by app drivers and delivery people, or any person who does not have prior formal written authorization from the administration. Traffic is exclusive to residents and/or authorized persons.
i. During the 24 (twenty-four) hours of the day, the use of devices that produce sound (radio equipment, loudspeakers, television, wind, percussion, string or other instruments) must be done in moderation, so as not to disturb the rest, peace and tranquility of other residents;
ii. Social activities within private units, such as parties, meetings and birthdays, must take place in a moderate manner, so as not to cause inconvenience to other residents;
iii. It is hereby established that the period between 10 pm on one day and 9 am on the following day is one of absolute silence, and residents must refrain from carrying out any noisy acts that may disturb or annoy other residents;
iv. When using any of the common areas of the Condominium, it is strictly forbidden to play music of any genre that promotes drugs, sex or other themes that harm the good family atmosphere of the Condominium, and live music or sound equipment may not be used.
i. Received correspondence will be stored in the Lockers located on the ground floor.
ii. Access to the Lockers will be available 24 hours a day.
iii. Small packages and parcels must be received by the resident himself, who must go to the ground floor to collect them within the scheduled times.
iv. Entry and exit of large volumes, as well as materials or other objects, may only be made through the main entrance, upon prior scheduling and authorization from the Administration, from Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm.
i. It is expressly forbidden to carry out renovations and works in the apartments of Condomínio Edifício 497 República.
i. It is the duty of all residents and occupants of condominium units in any capacity to use common areas and facilities solely for their intended purposes, taking the necessary care to preserve and maintain them, and in particular avoiding causing any type of deterioration.
ii. Residents are personally responsible for any and all damage caused to common property by themselves, their family members, agents, employees or visitors.
iii. It is the duty of all residents or occupants in any capacity to observe, in the condominium area, whether in behavior or dress, the highest principles of morality, good customs and mutual respect.
iv. Common areas will be rigorously cleaned, and this condition must be maintained by the community, avoiding throwing or allowing fragments of rubbish, cigarette butts, liquids and debris to be thrown;
v. Household waste, properly packaged in suitable plastic bags, must be deposited in appropriate bins in designated locations on each floor for collection by condominium employees.
vi. Smoking is prohibited in the common areas of the building.
vii. Escape routes in case of emergency must be permanently unobstructed.
viii. The common areas of the condominium will be disinfected according to the need to be determined by the administration.
ix. It is not permitted to post advertisements, signs, plaques, inscriptions or any other advertising material in the common areas, internally or externally.
x. It is prohibited to store objects in general, furniture, or construction materials in any of the common areas.
xi. Objects found in disagreement will be removed by the Administration, which is exempt from any damage to the object, and its legitimate owner is responsible for removing it within a maximum period of 5 calendar days; if this period expires without the owner claiming the object, the Administration is authorized to give it the destination it deems appropriate, without prejudice to the imposition and payment of the fine.
xii. Residents may use and enjoy the common areas of the Condominium as long as they do not impede the same use or enjoyment by other residents, nor use them in an inappropriate, unhealthy and/or disruptive manner, and must observe the legal rules, the Convention and these Regulations.
xiii. It is prohibited, under any circumstances, to transfer or rent the common areas of the Condominium, in whole or in part, to groups, associations or entities of any nature.
xiv. Fixed equipment and accessories in common areas cannot be removed or have their positioning changed, except for maintenance, modernization, or better adaptation to use, with such initiative being the exclusive responsibility of the Administration.
xv. Access to common areas may be restricted in accordance with relevant legislation.
i. All circulation of suppliers, materials, goods, purchases and large objects will be done via elevators. All restrictions on the use of social elevators will cease if the service elevator is undergoing maintenance, is faulty, or is being used for moving.
ii. Activities in halls, stairways and areas providing access to units that disturb order, as well as the movement of other residents between common areas, are prohibited.
iii. People without proper registration with the condominium and/or prior authorization are not permitted to enter the Condominium.
iv. Propagandists, salespeople, app drivers and delivery people, street vendors and beggars are prohibited from entering, even if only at the entrance, and when called by a resident, the resident must receive them at the entrance to the Condominium, in order to further strengthen our security policy.
v. The use of motorized vehicles on the Condominium premises is prohibited.
vi. It is prohibited to store or deposit explosive or flammable substances, as well as biological, chemical or ionizing radiation-emitting agents and/or agents that may affect the health, safety or tranquility of residents, as well as cause an increase in the insurance rate, in any part of the Condominium.
vii. Residents and visitors are prohibited from entering the premises reserved for the Condominium's equipment and facilities without supervision and/or authorization from the Administration, such as: Electricity and water meters, Telephone Room, Access to the roof and covering, machine rooms, water and fire pump rooms, exhaust fans, employee changing rooms, Canteen and cleaning material and maintenance material storage areas.
viii. Electricity and water meters, Telephone Room, Access to the roof and covering, machine rooms, water and fire pump rooms, exhaust fans, employee changing rooms, Canteen and cleaning material (DML) and maintenance material storage areas are areas of exclusive access and use by the administration and third-party employees of the condominium.
ix. It is the Administration's responsibility to reach an understanding, when necessary, with residents in order to resolve doubts, as well as to ensure that measures are taken to ensure the safety of the Condominium and its residents.
x. Shaft and trash can doors must always remain closed, and it is the responsibility of all residents to ensure that they are kept in good condition.
xi. No items of any kind are permitted in halls, access areas or other common areas, except when moving between apartments. Residents are prohibited from using common areas (corridors, stairs, etc.) as if they were extensions of their independent units, and must remain within the same, without leaving doors permanently open.
xii. In the event of damage occurring in other common areas of the Condominium during the move, the resident or tenant, owner of the transported objects, will be responsible to the Condominium for the cost of the necessary repairs.
xiii. The use of bicycles, skateboards, roller skates and similar equipment is prohibited on the ground floor, social hall, rooftop, corridors, as well as in all areas considered common. In the event of damage to the common areas of the Condominium, the resident or tenant will be responsible for paying for the necessary repairs.
xiv. It is forbidden to walk around in elevators and social areas wet or in swimwear.
xv. The use of the social hall and social elevators is exclusive to residents, guests, tenants, their families and visitors, as well as free movement in these spaces. Domestic employees, drivers and other private employees may use the social elevators, not including service providers when carrying out services and works in the units or common areas.
xvi. All residents and visitors to the Condominium, accompanied by animals, must use the entrance and/or when carrying objects or wearing clothes of types or conditions that are inappropriate for the environment of the social areas. Therefore, it is prohibited, for example, for people to pass through the social areas when:
• Wet.
• Wearing bathing suits, with or without a robe.
• Shirtless and/or barefoot.
• Carrying large volumes.
xvii. All elevators in operation in the Condominium will have a sign posted in their cabin, in an easily readable location, containing conservation and safety standards, as a measure to prevent and avoid accidents.
xviii. Smoking inside the elevators and throwing water in the elevator hall are prohibited.
xix. Children under 10 (ten) years of age may not use elevators unaccompanied, nor may they use common areas unaccompanied by a guardian, and the Condominium shall be exempt from any liability for failure to comply with such determination.
xx. It is expressly forbidden to keep the elevator door(s) open for longer than the time necessary for people to enter and exit, except in cases of maintenance and cleaning. Also, as a cost-saving measure, it is forbidden to call more than one elevator to meet the same need.
xxi. It is forbidden to stop or park motor vehicles in front of the access areas to the Condominium, and it is also forbidden to do so on sidewalks, ramps and other circulation areas, whether internal or external to the Condominium. The road is only public beyond the limits of the curb guides, and the Condominium is responsible for all areas located below these public limits.
xxii. It is forbidden to throw matches, cigarette butts, debris or any objects through doors, windows and balconies, as well as in other common areas of the Condominium.
a. Disposal schedule: Garbage may be disposed of from Monday to Sunday for 24 (twenty-four) hours.
b. Waste classification: It is essential that residents separate waste into appropriate categories, including organic, recyclable (plastic, paper, metal, glass) and hazardous waste (batteries, fluorescent lamps, chemicals).
c. Suitable containers: Garbage must be placed in strong, tightly closed bags before being deposited in the containers and/or bins located on the ground floor.
d. Cleaning and maintenance: Waste disposal sites should be kept clean and tidy. Regular maintenance should be carried out to ensure safety and prevent unpleasant odors.
e. Prohibition of irregular disposal: It is strictly forbidden to throw garbage outside of the designated places. Violators will be subject to the penalties provided for in this regulation.
f. Residents' Responsibility: Each resident is responsible for the proper disposal of his/her own garbage. Any damage caused due to improper disposal will be the responsibility of the resident.
g. It is forbidden to shake carpets, towels, cloths, vacuum cleaner bags and others, in the garbage compartment, in the windows or on the balconies.
a. Opening Hours:
i. The Laundry will be available every day of the week, including Saturdays and Sundays, for 24 hours.
b. Advance Scheduling:
i. Use of the laundry room requires prior scheduling to ensure equitable use among residents.
ii. Each resident can reserve a specific time to use the laundry.
iii. Delays of up to 10 (ten) minutes will be tolerated in relation to the previously scheduled time. After this period, the scheduling will be automatically cancelled and priority will be given to unscheduled use.
c. Unscheduled Use:
i. In the event of non-scheduled times being available, residents may use the laundry without prior appointment. However, they must fill out the appointment form posted in the laundry immediately.
ii. However, scheduling will take priority over unscheduled use.
d. Scheduling Process:
i. Residents must go to the laundry room to fill out the appointment form posted in the laundry room.
ii. Scheduling must be done in person, subject to availability.
e. Reservation Limitations:
i. Each appointment will have a time limit of 2 hours for the use of washing machines and 2 hours for the use of dryers in the laundry room.
ii. Residents may schedule an appointment up to [7] days in advance using the scheduling board posted in the laundry room.
f. Respect for Schedules:
i. Residents must strictly adhere to the scheduled time for using the laundry room.
ii. If it is necessary to extend the time of use beyond the scheduled time, residents must check the availability on the scheduling board. If the time is vacant, residents may use the laundry without prior scheduling.
g. Cleaning and Organization:
i. It is each user's responsibility to keep the laundry room clean and tidy after use.
ii. Please clean the machines after use and remove any residue or dirt.
iii. Do not leave clothes or personal items in the laundry after washing or drying is complete.
iv. The Condominium will not be responsible for any damages or thefts that may occur;
h. Chemicals:
i. The use of aggressive or corrosive chemical products that could damage washing machines and dryers, or pose a risk to the safety of residents, is prohibited.
i. Restrictions on Use:
i. It is not permitted to wash very large items, such as rugs, or items that could damage the machines, such as sneakers.
ii. Please use the laundry room only for washing clothes and personal items.
j. Supervision and Security:
i. Surveillance cameras are installed in the laundry area to ensure the safety of residents and the facilities.
ii. If you notice any suspicious behavior or problems with the machines, please inform the condominium management immediately.
k. Regular Maintenance:
i. The condominium administration will perform regular maintenance on the washing machines and dryers to ensure their proper functioning.
ii. In case of a faulty machine, please notify management so that we can arrange the necessary repairs.
l. Inputs
i. It is the resident's responsibility to provide all the necessary supplies for using the washing equipment, such as soap, fabric softener and others;
m. Exclusive Use:
i. The laundry room is for the exclusive use of residents;
ii. The use of the space for purposes other than washing clothes is prohibited;
n. Penalties:
i. Improper use of the EQUIPMENT is expressly prohibited. The assessment of any damages caused by the resident, for the purpose of compensation, will be carried out by collecting prices from companies authorized to perform repair or replacement services for damaged installations, with the resident being responsible for immediate reimbursement of any repairs;
a. The Condominium is equipped with closed circuit TV cameras (CCTV), placed at strategic points and a monitoring and recording room.
b. It is expressly forbidden to remove or modify the location, under any circumstances, of security equipment, such as CCTV cameras and fire-fighting equipment, except for recharging, when authorized by the Administration.
c. Any personnel not registered in the Condominium database may only enter the common property areas, regardless of whether or not they have authorization from the resident who will receive them in their unit, after due registration.
d. The Administration will take legal measures to repel any type of attempt to circumvent the security devices covered by this Regulation, considering, also, that everyone is equal before these rules, which are law among residents, their dependents, tenants, assignees, service providers and visitors.
e. If provided for in the budget, approved at the annual AGM, the Administration is authorized to contract technical-professional services to complement or reinforce the internal security of the Condominium.
f. Residents must keep the doors of their units closed and under no circumstances will the Condominium be held liable for any unlawful conduct (criminal and/or civil), either in the apartments or in the common areas.
The resident who owns the unit will be responsible, before the Condominium, for any infractions that may be committed by the occupants of the autonomous unit in any capacity.
a. The rights of each resident are:
i. use, enjoy, benefit from and dispose of his/her unit as he/she sees fit, provided that the purpose of the Condominium, the provisions of this Agreement, the internal regulations and other possible regulations of the Condominium, Federal Law No. 4,591/64, and the Brazilian Civil Code are observed.
ii. use the common property in accordance with its specific purpose, exercising all rights granted to it by law, the convention, the internal regulations and any other internal regulations of the Condominium;
iii. The Resident will be responsible for the professionals hired by him/her to ensure that they do not make changes that could alter the systems in the autonomous unit or in the common areas, following the recommendations contained in the Property Use and Maintenance Manual and other related regulations.
iv. The following are the duties of residents:
1. comply with, enforce and monitor compliance with the provisions contained in the law, the convention, the internal regulations and any other internal regulations;
2. each person shall be responsible, at all times, for the payment of fines applied by the Trustee to any occupant of the autonomous unit that belongs to him and is part of the Condominium, having them paid into the Condominium's coffers when they are charged;
3. bear, according to those same criteria, the burdens to which the Condominium is or will become subject;
4. ensure the cleanliness, hygiene and safety of the Condominium, disposing of rubbish and other waste in the appropriate places;
5. respect the rules of silence;
6. notify the Administration and/or the Trustee, with due promptness, of any case of epidemic disease detected in the Condominium, in order to enable prompt action by the competent health authorities;
7. maintain decorum and respect in the use of common and private things and areas, not using them, nor allowing them to be used, for purposes other than those for which they are intended;
8. do not use sound devices in a way that disturbs the peace of others;
9. do not keep or store flammable or explosive substances inside their units;
10. do not install any devices that may cause interference or damage to the devices and electrical installations of other residents and the Condominium;
11. do not overload the structure and slabs of the Project with excess weight, so as to endanger its safety and solidity;
12. arrange the necessary repairs to the internal water, electricity, gas and sewage installations in their units, up to the trunk lines, as well as repair or compensate for any damage caused to other units;
13. not to omit in the deeds of sale and promise of sale, nor in contracts that in any way transfer possession of the units, the obligation of purchasers or users in any capacity to respect the purpose of the Condominium, the convention, the internal regulations and any other internal regulations;
14. allow the Trustee or his/her agents access to the respective units for the purpose of examining or repairing defects or occurrences that in any way affect other units or common areas, as well as verifying the existence or otherwise of any circumstance that violates the conditions established herein;
v. Residents also have the following rights:
1. Use the concierge services, as long as they do not disturb order, nor divert the Condominium employees to private services and services of their autonomous units.
2. Report any irregularities observed to the Administration, as well as suggest any administrative or operational measures.
vi. The following are also the duties of residents:
1. Comply with and enforce the Convention, this Regulation and other rules and procedures issued by the Administration.
2. Avoid any and all acts or events that may harm the good name of the Condominium and the well-being of its occupants and the condominium complex, taking, if necessary, under its sole responsibility, including financial, measures to evict any tenant or assignee who becomes inconvenient.
3. Do not rent or lease units to people of questionable lifestyle or bad habits, including drunkenness, drug addiction, in any form. In the respective rental contracts, the owners are obliged to include a clause in this regard.
4. Do not rent or lend the unit to a gaming club, dance club, carnival club or any other groups, including those with political and religious purposes.
5. Do not divide the respective autonomous unit, for the purpose of sale or rental and/or subletting, to more than one person separately, in any form, room or apartment dependency.
vii. It is forbidden to place vases, rugs, clotheslines or any other objects that harm the aesthetics of the Condominium or that may pose a risk to the safety of people and property in windows, balconies or external areas. The following are not permitted:
1. Hanging or drying clothes, rugs or sheets on windows, balconies or any other places visible to the outside.
2. Placing rubbish in a place other than the designated compartment;
3. Use of the units for infirmaries, workshops, laboratories or for any installation that is dangerous or causes discomfort, or that results in an increase in the price of insurance.
4. Install air conditioning units outside the technical area designated for this purpose.
5. Using loudspeakers or musical instruments at high volumes in a disturbing manner, especially during rest hours.
6. Dumping debris, construction waste or any other object resulting from disposal in the common areas of the Condominium. The offender will be subject to the fine provided for.
viii. It is not permitted to use the Condominium's gardens and flowerbeds in the external area in any way, as well as to remove their plants or seedlings, as well as to cause damage to them through predatory acts.
a. The Condominium Administration will be exercised in accordance with the provisions of the Condominium Agreement.
b. The Administration is responsible for supervising and managing the Condominium's outsourced employees, ensuring that the services assigned to them are performed satisfactorily. It is forbidden for anyone who is not an employee of the Condominium to work in the common areas, unless expressly authorized by the Administration.
c. The Administration's opening hours will be from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 6 pm. There will be no business hours on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, whether national or local. Outside these days and times, the Gatehouse may be contacted by telephone or in person, including on holidays.
d. It is the responsibility of the Residents to treat all employees and workers of the Condominium Edifício 497 REPÚBLICA with appropriate education, responsibility and respect.
a. Small domestic animals are permitted to stay in the autonomous units of the Condominium, as long as they do not disturb the peace and quiet of other residents;
b. The registration of animals must be carried out with the Administration;
c. All residents and visitors to the Condominium, accompanied by animals, must use the service elevators.
d. It is expressly forbidden to allow pets to relieve themselves in the common areas of the Condominium. Additionally, any waste left by pets in such spaces must be promptly collected and discarded by their respective owners.
e. Animals may only be allowed to walk around the condominium using a leash, and guests must prevent them from running away, escaping or moving freely around the building (State Law No. 11,531/2003);
f. It is mandatory that all small animals be transported on the lap of their owners or guardians when moving through common areas, especially in elevators, entrance halls and corridors.
g. Dogs of the Pit-Bull, Rottweiler, Neapolitan Mastiff, American Staffordshire Terrier and/or other medium and large breeds must be walked on short leashes, with collars appropriate for their strength and size, muzzled and always accompanied by an adult capable of controlling them. (State Law No. 11,531/2003);
h. Any and all damages caused by animals to the internal parts of the apartments and common areas of the Condominium will be compensated by the resident of the unit where the animal resides;
i. Barking, meowing and insistent noises caused by animals must be avoided in some way by the person responsible, so as not to disturb the peace and quiet of their neighbors;
j. Residents who have cats will need to close all windows at their own expense. The closing standard should be consulted with the condominium administration.
k. It is not permitted to leave the animal alone in the unit if the Resident is absent for more than 12 hours;
l. Under no circumstances will animals not authorized in these Regulations be allowed to enter the Condominium, even if they are passing through, and even if they do not belong to the Condominium and/or occupants of the residential units located in the Condominium.
i. Failure to comply with any of the rules mentioned above in these Internal Regulations makes the resident liable to a fine in the amount of a condominium fee in force at the time of the infraction.
ii. If there is a new occurrence of the same infraction that was previously subject to a fine, the Resident will be fined twice the previous amount and so on for as many times as the offender reoffends.
i. It is the duty of residents, guests and users of the Condominium to comply with these Internal Regulations, bringing to the attention of the Administration any violation of which they are aware.
ii. Residents are required to include a clause in lease, sale or transfer of use of their units to third parties in their lease, sale or transfer of use contracts requiring strict compliance with the rules of this Regulation, under penalty of being personally liable for any omission in the lease agreement, for the amount of fines applied to tenants who violate the rules of the Convention and this Regulation, and to attach to the aforementioned instruments copies of the full text of the Convention and this Regulation, as well as of decisions of the General Assemblies.
iii. Any suggestions and/or complaints should be addressed to the Administration by email at
iv. All cases not covered by these Internal Regulations will be resolved by the Trustee or Administration, in this order, without prejudice to the resident's right to appeal to the General Assembly.